Dr. Shawn Curtis earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from Antioch University- Seattle, with specialized training in developmental psychology, forensics, and neuropsychology, completing a post-doctoral residency at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln. He has 10 years of clinical experience working with individuals with both developmental and acquired neurocognitive problems. Specializing in neuropsychological assessment, Dr. Curtis applies an an interdisciplinary model that incorporates biological, psychological, and social factors. His approach celebrates that there are many ways of being human and focuses on how neurobiological strengths, experiences, and social systems influence our development and psychological wellbeing.
Dr. Curtis conducts a variety of psychological and neuropsychological testing for the purposes of differential diagnosis, developmental disabilities assessment including autism-related concerns, ADHD, and learning disabilities, as well as forensic and education purposes. He can be contacted at scurtis@wbplincoln.org.